This product is a BAC 5408 Boeing-approved, nonflammable, stabilized 1,2 trans dichloroethylene-based solvent. NEXT 5408 boasts exceptionally low human toxicity compared to the vast majority of aerospace solvents on the market today. NEXT 5408 was created for the replacement of trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and n-propyl bromide in aerospace vapor degreasing.
The most effective and efficient method of using NEXT 5408 for cleaning is vapor degreasing. Modern vapor degreasing equipment that have freeboard chillers set at sub-zero temperatures in addition to refrigerated primary condensing coils are ideal. On average, typical parts are both clean and dry in 3-10 minutes. NEXT 5408 is not subject to NESHAP regulations, however following NESHAP guidelines is recommended in order to minimize evaporative and workplace exposure.
NEXT 5408 and its ingredients are listed “acceptable” by the U.S. EPA under the SNAP program as a substitute for ozone depleting substances. The ODP is very low. Spent NEXT 5408 is not considered a hazardous waste unless hazardous substances have been introduced during use. All ingredients are TSCA inventory listed. The mixture is not subject to SARA Title III (EPCRA) reporting regulations. It is not considered a Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP)
This solvent blend is perfectly suited for aerospace vapor degreasing in modern equipment. Its solvency for hydrocarbon soils and fluxes is excellent.
NEXT 5408 is compatible with most polymers and elastomers typically encountered during cleaning and vapor degreasing of precision parts, electronics, etc. The solvent is also compatible with copper, stainless steel, aluminum, iron and every other metal commonly used in precision parts manufacturing.
A complete reference chart showing plastics and elastomers compatibility is available by request from Enviro Tech International. In laboratory bench tests of widely used plastics and elastomers, there were very few incompatibilities found after immersion in boiling vapors for up to 15 minutes time. Testing should always be done on parts to be cleaned in a particular process prior to implementing NEXT-5408 into the process
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