
Enviro Tech: Industry Leader

Enviro Tech International is a top supplier of stabilized n-propyl bromide and fluorinated solvents for industrial parts cleaning applications. Since creating the nPB market in 1994, we’ve grown our small company from the ground up to become a formidable and trusted force in the industry. In fact, Enviro Tech has been the industry-leading provider of solvents for over twenty years.

Our Mission

What Guides Us

We are the top supplier of stabilized n-propyl bromide and fluorinated solvents for industrial cleaning applications.

Whether you are cleaning critical aircraft parts to specification or doing bulk degreasing of machined parts, our solvents will always be in stock when you order them, and our associates will always be available to support your technical concerns and questions.

Enviro Tech

Company History

It all began with the invention of EnSolv® — an nPB-based solvent that revolutionized the industry. Our line of n-propyl bromide-based, non-ozone depleting industrial cleaning solvents was developed to replace more environmentally hazardous and toxic chemicals (like CFCs, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene) with safer solutions that don’t sacrifice performance.

Enviro Tech has continued to build upon that initial goal with the creation of our NEXT® generation fluorinated solvent line — products that, like EnSolv, have a global warming potential of zero, and an even higher human exposure threshold.

Our products are manufactured in the United States under the direct supervision of Enviro Tech, ensuring that all of our solvents are blended to the highest standard of quality.

Who We Are


As the pioneers of the nPB solvent industry, we welcome the chance to share our expertise with you.

Our associates are highly knowledgeable and friendly, and have years of experience in the parts cleaning industry. We are totally committed to supporting your company by helping you make the right decisions regarding your industrial cleaning solutions, and offering you the best cleaning solvents for the greatest value.

Enviro Tech has focused on providing quality, customer-centric service since the day our company opened for business, applying ourselves to ensuring that your goals are met and your customers are completely satisfied. We invite you to get to know our sales and support staff, a group so dedicated that it’s not unheard for us to come into the office in the middle of the night or on the weekend to make sure your orders are shipped and delivered to you when and where you need them.

No Tariff Price Increases. 3M Novec Alternatives Available.