Offset For: Novec 7000

EnSolv Fluoro

While EnSolv Fluoro is not your typical solvent, its unique properties make it a specialized solution for specific industrial needs. As a hydrofluoroether (HFE) fluid, it excels in dissolving fluorinated contaminants, making it an ideal choice for cleaning applications where conventional solvents fall short. In addition to its niche cleaning capabilities, EnSolv Fluoro is also highly effective as a heat transfer fluid. Its stability and low environmental impact make it suitable for use in critical industries like electronics and aerospace, where precision and reliability are paramount.

Boiling Point:56°C
Vapor Pressure: 31 kPa
Specific Gravity: 1.47 g/mL
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage: 39.5 kV
Heat Capacity: 1.28 kJ/kg*K
Pour Point: -91°C
Viscosity: 0.65 cP
GWP 580 (bad), 0 ODP, VOC exempt
Recommended to store in a clean, dry area between the temps of 0°C and 32°C. Always consult the product’s SDS for safe handling and storage information.
Features & Benefits
No flashpoint, zero ODP, low surface tension, fast evaporation, VOC exempt, low viscosity, unreactive.
Application Description
Spray Cleaning
Common Uses
Light duty cleaning, carrier solvent, silicone/lubricant dispersion and deposition, dry film lubricant carrier.
No Tariff Price Increases. 3M Novec Alternatives Available.